_Just A Little Something

안녕하세요~! 만나서 반갑습니다. 체 이름은 민재재 이에요. ^^ 미국에 살아요. 영원히 화이팅! 카시오페아 동방신기 사랑!♥ 김준수, 박유천, 김재중, 심창민, 정윤호, 항상 신념을 간직해라! 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다!


[TRANS] 04.14.10 Max Matsuura's Twitter Updates

NOTE THIS: Tweets are read from BOTTOM TO TOP.

"Intend" is not good… are you trying to find my fault…

To have them come back as 5 is what I want to do the most.

I'm calm right now. Because I've already prepared to be understanding with everything.

I'm sorry but we've already done what we could within our limitation, and I know that it is your freedom to criticize us. In that case, please don't follow me [on Twitter].

I see… So would it be better if I call it their earnest feelings?

Q: No one wishes for something like that.
A: It's not just anyone's wish. It's their wish.

I think that each person has the freedom to choose what they believe in, so I won't have a problem with that.

This is really their earnest desire. I affirm it.

We do not have to right to stop what they want to do and what they earnestly desire for…

source: Max Matsuura's Twitter
translations: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ
credits: OneTVXQ & cassiopeialuv newsblog

"We do not have to right to stop what they want to do and what they earnestly desire for..."

Matsuura-san is completely correct.
We have no right to deny the career they've worked so hard to acheive.
We should be happy they've given 6 years of their life to keep us happy.
Those bashing the poor Avex people don't deserve to be calling themselves "fans".
No offense.

We should be thinking of what the boys want for themselves as a human.
We must keep them happy as people if we really are true fans.
We can't be selfish and bash at others because we want "DBSK".
We must stand strong with all their wishes.

We must be happy they were given to us for 6 long years.
Through all the tough pains and happy laughters, we were there.
For new cassie's, It's alright, continue on with us and you'll one day see them stage as
"Dong Bang Shin Ki" again. Full of smiles. Ready for Cassiopeia's screams.

If this is what the boys want, we will be there.
And when they come back as 5, our red ocean will still be strong.
We'll be there. Right?

At least, I know I'LL be there.
I will not turn on my DBSK. I've grown along-side them all these years.
It's too late to turn on them though I never thought of it for even a second.

Always keep the faith.